
Monday, September 20, 2010

Graceful Agony's Round 2 Blog Carnival

Graceful Agony's Round 2 Blog Carnival is up and running. The topic for this blog carnival was 'Depression: Who turned out the lights?' Thank you to Jolene for organizing the various posts for the carnival. It's hard to say that I enjoyed reading everyone's posts about depression, but I definitely identified with many of them. I'm glad that people were willing to write about and share their experiences... I know that's something I often struggle with. Please check out the posts for this round of blog posts.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for participating Jamie! You have a beautiful blog. I hope you'll take part in the next round as well, Once I decide the topic that is! LOL! Feel free to give me some suggestions if there is something you personally want to write about.
    Great job!!!
