
Sunday, April 24, 2011

HAWMC Prompt 24: Best Moment of Last Week

I'm participating in WEGO Health's Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge (HAWMC) in April.

Today's challenge is to write about the best thing that happened to me last week.

Yesterday evening, we had a surprise birthday party for my mom. We invited family and friends out to the Olive Garden; where we enjoyed dinner, desserts, and great company. Part of what's so great about this is simply that I was able to go, and felt pretty well for most of the 3 hours at the restaurant. I got to see my twin nieces and my nephew (all of whom are about 3 years old)... they're always so good to see (they're growing so fast, though!). It was really good to spend time with everyone.

Photo by chiaralily
Today is Easter, and I hope that everyone has a blessed day! I've spent the day by going to church in the morning, and then spending time with family (first, time with my side of the family; then, with Jeremy's side of the family). We both have such wonderful families, and it's always nice to spend time together. So, Happy Easter! Thanks be to God!

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