
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Apartment Hunting

My husband and I arrived in Texas Thursday evening. We're so excited to be back, but we can't wait to get our own apartment and get everything moved in... it's still in the to-be-determined-when, transition state.

We looked at apartments at the beginning of June (last time we were in town), and we went out to look again today. There are a few more that I'd like to take a look at, but we're narrowing things down... mostly me, since Jeremy isn't as picky about apartment stuff like I am. With my migraines, it matters what lights are around the apartment, which way the windows face, and random other tedious details.

So, when we were out checking out apartments today, there was one thing that was said by several different people showing us the apartment models that really bugged me. They asked where Jeremy works, and he told them. Then, they asked me where I work... so, I said, "I don't." To which I received this response: "Good for you (one lady then said/wrote that I'm a homemaker)." Are you kidding me?!?! Yea, 'good for me' that I'm unable to work. I know that it was one of those things that people say and that there was no way for them to know that I couldn't work, but THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK, PLEASE. Some things sound so simple and neutral, but can be so hurtful.

Just because I'm at home / not working, doesn't mean that Jeremy gets to come home to a Susie Homemaker wife...

He comes home to a wife that is more like this...

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you arrived safely. Hope you find a place soon! I'm so sorry about the insensitive comment. ~sigh~ I wish we could do a Great Big Education Session for non-pain-sufferers. Just so they could understand what they cannot see.
