
Friday, December 9, 2011

Holiday Wishes

What are you wishing for this holiday season? I've found that living with chronic illness can change what's on your list of holiday wishes. Most of the things I'm wishing for are things that simply cannot be bought (I have some other stuff on my wish list, but I'm going to focus more on the things that cannot be purchased):

DIRECTION. I wish to have more direction in my life. I feel lost in a vicious cycle of pain. I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to be doing. I don't know what God is calling me to do in the midst of these trials.

HEALTH. I wish to have my health better under control. Ultimately, I'd want my health back... no chronic migraines, no back and neck pain, no stomach problems... But, realistically, I'd just like to find ways to better manage these health issues.

COURAGE. I wish to have the strength and courage to keep going, even when things are bad... such as, when my pain levels are very high and it seems like the pain will never end. I want to have the courage to continually face my trials.

I've been BLESSED with so much already. I have a beyond-wonderful husband and family. I have a roof over my head, food on the table, and clothing on my back. I have a merciful God that loves me unconditionally. What more could I really ask for?!

This post was written for the December 12, 2011 edition of the ChronicBabe Blog Carnival.

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