
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Survival Mode

I woke up yesterday feeling like I'd been hit by a FREIGHT TRAIN. I told my husband that it was going to be a ROUGH day, and it was. All I did was sit/lay on the couch, trying to watch TV/movies (and eat/drink, since hubby makes sure I keep eating and drinking) to keep my mind off of the pain. It didn't work. Neither did the pain meds. I'd already used my two days of migraine abortive meds for the week, and it was more than my head that was in sooo much pain... my WHOLE body was in a WHIRLWIND of PAIN, including my HEAD. I tried changing the stimulator, but it didn't help. The pain was RELENTLESS and lasted ALL DAY. It took a long time to get to sleep... and to stay asleep...

This morning was similar to yesterday... perhaps just a smaller train... I feel a little better than yesterday, but that's not saying too much. It hurts to even sit up and type... I need to shower, but I'm afraid the water would just feel like millions of tiny knives stabbing my tender skin. I guess I'm going to head back to the couch... I HATE times like these... Simply living in SURVIVAL MODE...