
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Titles of My Future Book(s)

I've decided to participate in National Health Blog Posting Month  (NHBPM). I've been out of the writing/blogging world for a little while, so I hope I'm able to keep up. WEGO Health is going to be providing a daily blog prompt. I'm looking forward to getting back into writing, and seeing what prompts there are.

Today's challenge is to come up with 5 working titles and a quick book jacket synopsis for a book about my life, community, condition, or Health Activism. This came at a great time! One of the reasons I've decided to participate in NHBPM is because I need to work on disciplining myself and getting back to writing. One of my goals is to be a writer and publish books. It can be so easy to fall into a rut, especially when dealing with constant, debilitating pain.

Here are a few of the working titles I have (by the way, any feedback anyone would like to share is welcome):

Relationships and chronic illness
Chronic illness can change all of the relationships in your life - with yourself, your family, friends, coworkers, and with God. Some of these changes will be losses that need to be grieved, but others may strengthen in ways you never expected.
Re-defining 'normal'
There are many different events in life that require us to re-define our 'normal.' From changing schools to moving out of your parents' house to getting married to starting a family, and so forth. Many of these changes are just the natural progression of life, while others are personal choices. But, sometimes something happens that is completely unexpected, and you must re-define what your 'normal' is. Chronic illness changes your life in so many ways, and your 'normal' has to be adjusted to account for new limitations and other life changes someone living with chronic illness faces.
Expectations: Yours, Mine, and God's
Whose expectations are you measuring your life by? What do your priorities reveal about whose expectations are important and guiding your life? Life never seems to go as we think it will. Taking a deeper look at our priorities and choices can help us examine who's expectations are really guiding our lives. 
Prayer: How the power of prayer can bring peace and happiness to your life
Life is often moving at the speed of light. There is so much going on, and it never seems to slow down. Bringing peace and happiness into your life can begin with prayer. Prayer calls for you to "be still" and focus on God. Incorporating prayer into your daily life offers you a refuge where you can rest in the Lord's presence, and both prepares and energizes you to fulfill God's calling for you.
One of the books I started working on before my car accident is... Finding your way through a landmine: A young woman's guide to navigating the business-world
The business-world can be like a foreign land to women. This book will serve as a guide to navigating aspects of the business-world, including relationships, obstacles, expectations, perception, and balance.