
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Weekend Update

I just had a wonderful weekend with Jeremy. We drove down to Austin, TX to visit with family (aunt, uncle, and cousins), and to attend the wedding of one of Jeremy's college friends. The drive down there was pretty easy - 3 to 3.5 hours, and it was cloudy most of the drive.

We didn't realize until we were at my aunt and uncle's house for a while that we'd forgotten all of our hanging clothes... including our clothes to wear to the wedding. So, we spent part of Saturday out shopping to find something nice to wear to the wedding later that evening. Well, at least I got a new dress out of it, right?! (hehehe)

The wedding was enjoyable, despite the teetering head pain and high winds. I'm so glad that we were able to go. Visiting with Jeremy's college friends was great, and I think he really enjoyed it. I most likely pushed myself too hard, but I was having a good time... and Jeremy really deserves to have time to catch up with old friends. We ended up leaving the reception early because the loud music and strobe lights were just getting to be too much for me. I wore my sunglasses on the drive home, and then we stayed up late talking with my uncle.

Sunday was a different story. I woke up with more body and head pain than I had been. I broke down and took my migraine meds. I had noticed myself yawning a lot Saturday evening, but I just assumed it was because we'd had a long, exhausting day... I guess it might've been part of the prodrome phase. I was completely indecisive... just couldn't think straight. I became quiet and mumbly through the day... all pretty normal migraine-day happenings.

The ride home took quite a bit longer than the ride down there. I felt nauseous - the combination of the migraine, meds, and moving car left me feeling so sick. I almost threw up in the car... then we couldn't find ginger ale anywhere. We stopped several times, once for dinner. I think I finally dozed in and out of sleep, toward the end of the car ride. I was sooo happy to be home!

The following day (Monday) was even worse than Sunday. I hurt so badly - indescribable, take your breath away kind of pain. It didn't even occur to me to take my migraine meds - that's how bad it was. Migraine brain really took hold of me that whole day. By the time it dawned on me to take meds, I felt like it was too late... then the pain just kept worsening and worsening until I was shaky and in tears. Prayer from a dear friend got me through the day... I really didn't know how I was going to get through the pain.

I had a bad headache yesterday, and then I got hit hard today... I've taken my meds and am going to lay down because the effects are taking over strong. Good thing I'd written most of this post a couple days ago. Gonna go try to rest away this pain.

This post was written as part of the Health Activist Writer's Awareness Challenge (HAWMC).

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