
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Migraine Awareness Month Blogging Challenge #2: Tea For Two

Today's prompt is to choose someone that I'd like to invite to my home for tea, for the purpose of explaining Migraine disease to them so they would truly understand it.

I've been thinking about this for a while, and I don't really know who I'd choose. I would love to invite someone that has the power and influence to truly bring about a better understanding and positive changes to improve the lives of those with Migraine and other headache disorders. But, I don't know who I'd choose, and it's a bit overwhelming to think about.

So, I'm going to choose someone in my own life that I'd like to better understand Migraine (specifically chronic Migraine). I don't want to come across as throwing anyone under the bus, or as placing blame on anyone in my life that doesn't really understand Migraine - it's not meant that way at all.

That being said, I'd probably invite some family members over, as well as some of my friends (that have mostly disappeared from my life). I feel like my immediate family has a better understanding of what I live with than many others do, but they've known me for longer and are willing to really listen, accept, and be flexible / understanding with me (such as, when I have to change or cancel plans).

But, there are others in my family and many of my friends that just have little to no idea of how bad my migraines really are, regardless of how much I've tried to explain to them about Migraines and to describe some of my own experiences. Not only is this frustrating and isolating, but it's extremely stressful.

I feel more guilt (though I always feel some degree of guilt when others are involved... I'm working on that) when I have to change or cancel plans with these family/friends because they seem less accepting of the fact that my life is often  minute by minute. I'm not trying to ruin their plans or cause them any stress of anything, but Jeremy and I have to take things one step at a time and evaluate how I'm feeling and what I can handle at that moment. I know how difficult it is to try to make plans with someone that might have to cancel plans at the last minute, it's incredibly frustrating. I've always been a planner, so this isn't how I'd choose my life to be either. Having to take thing one moment at a time has been (and is) something that I've had to learn to accept myself. It's how my life is right now, and I'm doing the best I can to keep it from affecting others.

I truly hope that by participating in National Migraine Awareness Month, and continuing to share with and educate others, that we can be better heard and understood.

This post was written as part of the Migraine Awareness Month Blogging Challenge (MAMBC), which is initiated by and the National Migraine Awareness Month is initiated by the National Headache Foundation (NHF).

1 comment:

  1. Family and friends definitely sound like a good idea to me. Even if they try, it's so hard for them to really understand what it's like for us.
