
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Migraine Awareness Month Blogging Challenge #12: Self-Care

Patients For A Moment (PFAM) is a patient-centered blog carnival to build connections within the community of people who blog about illness, disease, and disability. Maria, at My Life Works Today!, is hosting this edition of the PFAM blog carnival. The topic is: "Self-care is..."

Self-care is...
eating-well, time-alone, cook, massage, letters, blog, write, music, journal, scrapbook, relax, walk, courage, persistent, adaptable, flexible, understanding, empathy, open, forgiving, ask, help, accepting, research, strength, peace, hope, prayer, faith, loving, friends, family, say-"no", nurture, cherish, gratitude, support, soul, embrace, collaborate, sharing, listening
There are several different categories here, but there's one that really stands out:
Relationships - with God, self, family, friends
Relationships with others can be a very important part of self-care, but not to the detriment of your relationship with God and with yourself. I know that I have trouble remembering this sometimes, but it's something I'm working on because it's so crucial to my self-care.

This post was written as part of the Migraine Awareness Month Blogging Challenge (MAMBC), which is initiated by and the National Migraine Awareness Month is initiated by the National Headache Foundation (NHF).


  1. I'm on day 31 of a migraine. I just wanted you to know how encouraging your blog is. Truly encouraging. I'm also from Oklahoma, so I thought that was a neat coincidence. God bless!

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that you're dealing with such a long migraine attack. I truly hope that you find some relief soon.

      Thank you so very much for your kind words about my blog. I'm so thankful that you've found encouragement here. And, I appreciate you sharing that you feel encouraged by it... it encourages me to keep writing, so thank you!

      I'm not really from Oklahoma, I'm from Texas. I was in Oklahoma for 2 years, but my husband and I are back in Texas (and so happy). But, we're still pretty close to you, and that's pretty cool.

