
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ten Years Without a Tree

© 2012 Jamie V.
In a very welcome break in the full-blown migraine pain, my husband and I managed to get some Christmas stuff up around the apartment.

We put up our Christmas tree (that my sister so kindly gave us before she and her husband moved). It's not all that large, but it works for us right now.
"Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall" (Larry Wilde, author 'The Merry Book of Christmas')
As I looked at our tree, I realized that I haven't had a Christmas tree up in my own home in nearly TEN years! My parents always have a Christmas tree up at their house, but I haven't had one up in the apartments that I've lived in (thinking about it now, my roommate might have had one up one year... but that would've been about six years ago).

So, I'm very much enjoying having a Christmas tree up in our home. There are no ornaments on it right now, but we do have an angel (seems a bit too large for the tree, but it's our angel and it's staying up - lol). I still have a way to go before I get all the Christmas decor up, but I'm definitely enjoying the season thus far.
"It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air" (W. T. Ellis)


  1. It's a lovely tree. So glad you have one this year.

  2. Hello Dear,
    Your tree looks great! I love sitting near the tree at night and just gazing at the white lights, reflecting on my childhood and how excited I would get just watching my Mom put up decorations. Last year at this time, I was in a bad spell of chronic headaches and I so did not want anything to do with xmas decorations. However, I pulled myself together to get the tree up for the sake of my children's joy.

    I am so sorry to hear you have been having a rough time with continued pain. I wanted to ask you...your Doctor does not have a combination of meds that they give to you for emergency purposes when the pain level has been high many days in a row? Like an IV combo?
    Anything that would at least bring this pain level down for you? Geez Jamie, I hate to read about you and others suffering meanwhile a Doctor just sort of "brushing it off" because they do not know what else to do. Certainly I know you have your "rescue meds" but I assumed Doctor's would give their patients a concoction of the strongest stuff to give a patient SOME relief.

    I am so sorry Dear about you feeling so bad! I am always thinking of you and hoping and praying you are having better days. Despite your hard life, you always find ways of being so positive in your Blog and I so admire that about you.

    Hugs to you my sweet friend!

    1. Thanks, Mamie.

      My doctor has tried several different cocktails of meds for me, when I've had to go in to him for emergency visits (to stay out of the ER, during his office hours). The few we've tried have helped some, but I don't have a pre-set combination of meds to use for an emergency. When I've had a really bad stretch of high level days, he normally either has me come in for an emergency visit or he calls in a round of corticosteroids for me. But, he doesn't like me on the corticosteroids very often, and I've had to take them several times over the past few months (whereas I had been only needing them a couple times a year for a status migraine).

      My doctor is so great. It just seems so devastating when his humanity shines through - when he's sick or comes across as uncaring.

      I truly appreciate your thoughts and prayers... more than you know. I try so hard to be positive, though it's often still difficult. I have to constantly remind myself that God is in control, and He continues to bless me through everything.

      Thank you for your kind words. I hope you've been feeling alright. I keep you close in my thoughts and prayers, as well, dear friend.
