
Thursday, July 18, 2013

ER Visit - Abdominal Pain

Me, drinking the contrast for the CT scan.
On Tuesday, May 28, 2013, I ended up in the Emergency Room (ER).

I had severe abdominal pain that reached emergency level. I'd been hurting all day, but had a horrible pain episode in the early evening (luckily, it was after Jeremy got home, so I wasn't alone). Thankfully, Jeremy made the decision that he was taking me to the ER because I wasn't thinking clearly because of the pain.

It hurt to move at all - in fact, it took a while to get to the car and then into the ER simply because it hurt too much to move or even to breathe.

The ride there was incredibly painful, but we finally made it. As soon as we got inside to the ER lobby, I threw up, was violently shaking, and had numbness / tingling in my hands / arms (and I'd had bad diarrhea Sunday night and part of Monday).

They think it might've been my appendix, and they almost admitted me to the hospital overnight. My white blood cell count was really high. I had a CT scan with contrast - they couldn't see the appendix, but the area nearby wasn't inflamed like they'd expect to see with a severe appendicitis. After speaking with the surgeon, the doctor had me have an abdominal / pelvic ultrasound to check my ovaries (specifically, my right one, since that's the side the worst pain was on) - right ovary looked good, I do have a cyst on my left ovary, but he didn't seem concerned about it.

We got to the ER about 6:30 or 7pm, and were there until almost 2:30am. By 1 or 2am, most of the pain had dissipated. So, the doctor decided that with the tests plus his exams and my pain reports, that I'd be okay to go home. I was released, with the understanding that I was to return if the pain came back. So, no definitive answers - very well could be my appendix, but not sure.


  1. Are they sure it didn't burst? I'm so sorry you went through all of that :(

    1. Heather, I don't know. Wouldn't there have been further signs of a burst appendix, if it had? The pain seriously just disappeared randomly that night. It was so weird.

    2. I would think so. I would think you would have been sick later if it ruptured. Glad you are feeling better as far as the abdominal pain!

  2. Hi Jamie,
    So sorry to hear things have really been extra rough for you these past months! I was hospitalized once upon a time for extreme abdominal pain and even though they saw a cyst from ultrasound, ER doc didn't seem concerned! I went see my GYN who proceeded to do a laparoscopy and it turns out I had a ruptured cyst along with Endometriosis Stage 3! Of course none of that could be picked up from ultrasound! Well here we are years later and I am 4 weeks post op from abdominal hysterectomy! Recovery has been rough but I had no choice as I had a huge fibroid making my uterus the size of a 5 month pregnant woman!

    I do hope your stomach, neck and shoulder pain have greatly improved or the pain has left you. I am sure your like, black cloud move to someone else's head!

    I continue to admire your strength and courage in your journey through chronic pain! Always keep your Faith .

    Hugs my dear friend!

    1. Mamie, thanks for sharing your experience. Wow! That's quite scary.

      I had a laparoscopic surgery almost 9 years ago because my Gyno was almost positive I had endometriosis - I've always had severe menstrual cramping, among other things. But, even she was surprised to have found nothing to explain the symptoms.

      I've dealt with gastro issues, including severe abdominal pain, for much of my life. But, this was different... though some past episodes might've had some similar aspects.

      I haven't had the intensity of the pain, since back in May. Thanks be to God!

  3. I'm so sorry you have been experiencing such horrible stomach pain. I hope you get answers soon! I also have had awful stomach pain for the past few years actually, and I had to go the ER last month. I also did an ultrasound, abdominal x-ray, CT with and without contrast (YUCK), and a hidascan, among some other tests. My GI thinks it is a mild form of gastroparesis, and I've made some dietary changes that have helped. I truly hope you find some answers, and more importantly, relief soon.

    1. Emily, I'm glad to hear that you and your doctor are working to manage your abdominal pain. I hope to figure out how to better manage mine sooner than later.

  4. I did want to add in also that even though I had a hysterectomy, I have had bouts of serious abdominal pain. Like Emily, I had stomach ultraound and visited a Gastroenterologist. We could never pinpoint a specific diagnosis but I have suffered with IBS for years. Sometimes things go accordingly and other times, "The Earth is off its axis" and everything is dysfunctional in my body.

    So do know that there are many that suffer with abdominal problems with no known cause. I ask these sort of questions to every Doctor I come into contact with...."How many patients you see with these problems/complaints and no diagnosis is made?" Their Reply: 100's

    Same for my headaches......discouraging!

    1. That's so interesting. I've dealt with stomach issues and abdominal pain for so very long. I have problems with lactose, especially. But, there are times when anything I eat messes up my whole system. It really doesn't help that I'm struggling to keep / gain weight. I don't understand why there are so many things that just seemingly have no explanation. It's disheartening.
