
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Beating Myself Up

I'm feeling overwhelmed because I'm falling farther and farther behind with this month's blogging challenge.

My mind isn't working very well. It's been especially bad leading up to and following the second round of Botox injections I had (November 18th). Honestly, I just don't feel very well, and the stress of should's and supposed to's are simply overwhelming me. Not to mention, a wicked cold front is set to come through in a couple days, which normally knocks me down pretty hard. So, I need to step back before I just shut down. I hope I'm not away for long... I'll write when I feel moved to.

I'm asking for patience, grace, and forgiveness... from both my readers and myself.

This post was written as part of the National Health Blog Posting Month (NHBPM). Other bloggers will share their posts on this FB page.


  1. Jamie - hopefully the days are better soon, but I thought this blog was something you use to communicate when you feel like sharing your thoughts? If you don't feel up to it then that's okay, right? You may have to give yourself permission to go with the flow. I know what it's like to be your own taskmaster. And it can be draining. Take care of yourself. Thats what's most important!

    1. Luann, thank you for your kind words. This is a place for me to share when I have something to share. I really wanted to be able to do 30 posts in 30 days for the blog challenge, and I really did just become a strict, unforgiving taskmaster to myself. I need to remember to give myself the grace I would extend to others in similar situations. Thank you for caring. Off to care for myself, though I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers too.

  2. Jamie-- Like you, I too was organized, a great planner, busy and on the go before pain became part of my life. In my own blog, "" I tell my readers that "I am consistently inconsistent". It's just the way it has to be now, and has required much humbling on my part! Take care of yourself, dear one! You minister to others in your presence, and there is still much here in your absences. God Bless you!

    1. Judi, thank you for your kindness, understanding, and encouragement. Blessings.
