
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Who Helps You Hope?

Who Helps You Hope?: Which person in your life has helped you most to hold on to hope, despite your Migraines or Headaches and how?

There are several people that immediately come to mind... most notably, my husband. He's with me, day in and day out. He reminds me to be gentle with myself, when I'm unable to do things. He helps me find humor and joy in even the smallest, most mundane of things. He is my greatest blessing. 

I've previously written about some of the ways that people have helped me hold on to hope:
I'm so grateful to have people in my life that truly love me. They know how important my faith is. There is always someone (or several) that help point me back to the Lord (my source of eternal hope), when I'm struggling. So, to everyone that has helped me hold on to hope, especially when I struggled to hold onto it myself... THANK YOU!!!

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