© 2020 Jamie V.
Wear Purple to Work (at Home)
National Headache Foundation (NHF) created an initiative to help promote migraine and headache awareness: Wear Purple to Work (at Home). On June 1, wear purple and share a photo on social media to show solidarity for the 40+ million people in America living with headache disorders.
When you share on social media, please use the hashtags: #MHAM #MHAM2020.
Headache at Work
Work often includes facing a slew of headache and migraine triggers that can stack and result in increased attacks: bright lights, computer screens, strong odors / scents, loud noises, stress, rigid schedules and deadlines, the list goes on.
Many people are working from home during the pandemic. For some, work being moved to a virtual / from home format is proving to allow the flexibility needed to be a more productive worker and have improved quality of life.
It’s unclear what the work landscape will look like, as more workplaces decide how to move forward. It remains important to recognize the need for employer accommodations for those living with headache disorders. Hopefully these months of virtual workplaces will provide the evidence needed for companies to consider offering employees more options moving forward.
Once workplaces bring people back to the office, the
Migraine at Work campaign provides tools and resources for employers and employees to utilize.
"I don't have a dis-ability, I have a different-ability." - Robert M. Hensel